Thursday, June 02, 2005

F- the ACLU

Why is it that an organization founded on the defense of individual rights/civil liberties can segregate a significant portion of the society and viciously pursue the doom of that group(s) liberties and freedoms? These people are insane. i would love to know the reason a hispanic student can paint the virgin mary on a public school wall and it is ok, but a white student paints a stairway to heaven in the same school,and is forced to change it?!?!? The acronym WTF comes to mind. The term reverse discrimination also. The government should sack up and remove these ideological psychopaths from the country. Now it seems they are targeting a cross memorial for WWI soldiers in NM because it is now on public land, it was there before it was public land. If they win that I have no doubt they will scub every crucifix via bulldozer from Arlington National Cemetary. (they will of course leave every crescent and star of david as muslims and jews are the oppressed people of America) I am not religious, but I am a patriot and have done my time serving this country at home and abroad. I believe in the Constitution and what is in it, as it is THE law of the land in the truest sense. I do not believe in following an opinion written in the form of a letter by Thomas Jefferson as serving as an amendment or otherwise higher law. The ACLU is nothing more than an organization bent on destroying the fabric of this country by bullying and badgering its way to victory. They should all be deported to a country with less freedoms/rights so they can see exactly what it is they are doing and will get if they continue. Perhaps North Korea can use an ACLU chapter. People in this country need to start standing up for not only themselves but for other people or we ALL will end up in the toilet. Freedom is taken for granted by most of us in this country because we do NOT know what oppression is. There is an overwhelming majority of people walking around that have no idea what a great and precious thing we have because they haven't been stuffed into a little metal box for speaking their mind or had their camera smashed and arrested for taking an unauthorized picture. Visit another country that doesn't enjoy our freedoms and try telling a cop to "fuck off". If you survive the beating you will likely get, enjoy your lengthy prison stay. In this country,people do all kinds of things to cops and think they have a right to, yet don't understand that because they can tell a cop off here,it does not entitle them to do it anywhere else. On that note,if you refuse to obey a cop, even if he/she is wrong, it IS ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO REFUSE TO COMPLY! So when you get tasered or punched or shot, it's YOUR fault, stop bitching. We do not get it perfect all the time,mistakes are made,but it is because we are human. On that same token,because we are human we learn from those mistakes. (except stupid people,and they are everywhere)


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