Thursday, June 02, 2005

WTF, over.

I hate stupid people. Not the usual everyone-does-something-stupid-every-now-and-then stupid, but the REAL stupid people. Everyone knows at least one. If you think you don't, then consider Britney Spears. I think she is perhaps the queen of the stupids. She of course is super rich and when she isn't stuffing twinkies into her piehole and suckin down menthols, she used to be nice to look at, but it stops when she opens her trap to speak. She recently was quoted as saying "sex is crazy good." Of course, when she said that she did not have the piece of hay hanging from her mouth, but she did look like the typical trailer trash that one would expect to speak like that, and I can only assume the 8 extra hormones coursing through her body had some influence. Nevermind that shit, I can't even buy that. I think she shouldn't have been allowed to breed,especially with her current leech of a sperm donor. He is equally, if not more, stupid as she is. Basically, what had me boiling about this topic, which IS stupid people, is I got to see a snippet of her show,and heard her speak. THEN, that was followed by Jessica Simpson talking,THEN some clip of the American Idol crap. ALL of that in a rapid succession made me want to vomit,and I felt as if I lost IQ just seeing/hearing it. Sure they are entertainers and serve their purpose. Sure it isn't rocket science. Sure people in general like to watch them. The thing is, and I am quoting a friend here, "you need a license to cut hair, but you don't need one to breed." Therein lies the source of my anger. Stupid people should be left in the woods for the wolves once a pattern has been established. The Romans did it. They were very successful in keeping society full of the best the gene pool had to offer. Of course, they didn't have the fucking ACLU running around causing problems. Here is an example of real just copy the link and find the "scolari stories". You will laugh. You will cry. You will wonder how he survived. You will be disgusted that he was able to get into the military. My buddy runs that site,so don't blame me for broken links or any issue you may have. If you feel like blaming me, fine, but don't be surprised when I bite you in the face, stupid.


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