Friday, June 03, 2005

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me......

than a frontal lobotomy. Funny how things can make one snap and go careening off the edge of sanity. Take traffic for example. I don't care where you live, if it's a metropolitan area,you know bad traffic. DC has among the worst traffic in the country,and I have driven in the so-called "worst" spots in the nation. DC still makes them look like EZ expressways. On my way in today, it wasn't too bad considering it is raining. When it rains here the people freak out and drive 30MPH under the limit which makes for a slow drive. This coupled with the idiot bimbo who is putting on makeup,chatting on her cell,and drinking her starbucks while driving all at the same time and you have a disaster in the making. Everyone has been behind this person at one point or another. Usually you try and get as far from her as you can but in DC they are EVERYWHERE. My favorite kind of driver is the ultra aggressive guy who just swerves blindly into your lane because he feels you will back off and let him in. Of course when he inserts himself into the lane he has to jam on his brakes because he cant go anywhere any faster than if he had stayed in his lane. I love them. The rush of rage I get from idiot drivers is pretty phenomenal. I imagine it's better than crack. It's like snapping your fingers and becoming a raving maniac. My girlfriend experiences these episodes when we go out and she will be on her phone telling the person on the other end "he's not yelling at me,it's some stupid driver ahead of him". If it were legal to shoot people on the road I would. The amount of rampant stupidity on the highways is staggering. It's hard to believe that most of these people were able to meet and pass astandardized test and licensing procedures to even be able to operate a vehicle, let alone survive on their own. This post isn't as angry as I wanted,but i haven't been on the road for a few hours,and I am a little under the weather. If for some reason you are the type who "multitasks" when you drive, I hope you end up pinned between a bridge abuttment and a tractor trailer carrying toxic waste and get broiled in a twisted ball of burning metal and noxious fumes so first responders can't save your worthless sorry ass. More as it happens....


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