Friday, June 03, 2005

We are not amused

In my opinion, the youth of America should all be shaken like an unwanted kid until they get a clue about what exactly goes on in the world. By youth I mean anyone under the age of 25. These people typically are self-centered, selfish, spoiled, whiny, little bitches that don't contribute anything to the common good,this country, or mankind. I cannot believe that there are people out there that are so lazy that they expect society to give them whatever they want. Why should I give my money,in the form of tax dollars, to some shitbag that is capable of working but won't get of his/her ass to get a job? Why do I need to support some crackwhores kid(s) when she should have been in prison to begin with? Stick her ass in a salt mine and make her earn a paycheck. These bastards are all over, they feel that since they exist,they are entitled to the goods in life. I can't stand them. Recently I met a few outstanding examples. One of the Beavis's I met dresses like a whore, does drugs, talks incessantly on her cell phone and thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread. She lives the high life sponging off her family and they tolerate it, even allow it to a large extent. I think that if you are going to live like that,at least do it with your own money,and do it responsibly in the privacy of your own house so I don't come into contact with you. These are the types of people that keep Oprah,Springer,Montel, and Maury in business. Continuing, another beavis had the nerve to tell me that while he appreciated my sacrifice for serving in the army, he would leave the country before he would sign up. Great. He is an example of the boneheads running amok. He is in the same group of people that vowed to leave the country if Bush got re-elected. Well i will help you pack,and i will help you move. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY ASSHOLES! I am not alone in this either as I have several friends who will help. For an extra $100, we will do it in uniform! Most of us are no longer in the military so we are able to provide this special service for you. Of course, I haven't seen or heard of a mass exodus into Canada yet,so I believe most of that movement was just the same bullshit democrats have been peddling for years. Great idea,no follow through. Kinda like non-alcoholic beer. Don't get me wrong, I am not so pegged into the republicans either, they make mistakes also. I would vote for a worthy democrat,however, the pickins are slim and not appealing at all. If Hillary runs in '08 I am going to start building a bomb shelter as we will get royally screwed if she wins and the shithead hajis will be bombing the hell out of us in our own country. If you have only ever seen a carbomb go off on TV and not in person then consider yourself lucky. If she wins you will probably have a chance to see it firsthand when she invites bin laden to the white house to patch things up for peace. That will be a day to remember. Don't even think of trying to seek shelter in my bunker either, I will be locking it from the inside and boobytrapping everything,and I am a very good shot. Unfortunately, the disillusioned youth will vote for her because they think she is "cool". Well,that's partially true,considering she has a heart of pure black ice. Parents everywhere, take the time to explain to your kid(s) the realities of the world,that people don't care about what they want and won't give them anything they want "just because" and that they will be expected to work and carry their own weight in the workplace and if your kid doesn't seem to catch on, shake him/her like pitbull would a kitten and leave them in the woods for the wolves. I realize that's kind of an extreme thing, but in the grand scheme it's for the best. Natural selection is still a viable option. If you disagree,fine,it's a free country for the next couple years at least, just keep your rotten,worthless,bratty, bastard kids away from me and I promise not to unleash my rage upon them when they ask me "How come I have to do that when so-and-so doesn't?" The answer is easy---BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO YOU SLACK JAWED RETARD! Enjoy your day people, I feel better already.


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