Friday, June 03, 2005

F- Paid Professional athletes

i'll try and keep this short- Paid Professional athletes are the whiniest, bitchiest, most self-absorbed, pathetic people in this country. They make millions upon millions of dollars a year, yet it's for a game. Then these assholes complain, saying they need more money or they will go on strike. I say let em'. Fuck em. For $30k, I can get a high school/college kid to play the same sport just as well and save a ton of money, not to mention overhead costs for outrageous player salaries. These guys are not so specialized that they cannot be replaced. They are replaced every year. People should stop buying tickets, some for thousands of dollars, and shut these fuckers down. I know alot of people enjoy watching sports, try watching a real sport then and not some business institution full of whiners. Really, a millionaire drops a ball. How special. it looks the same when a little leaguer does it, and he plays for fun and maybe gets a pizza party at the end of the season. It's time MLB,NBA,PGA,NFL, and all the other alphabet leagues pull their heads out of each others asses and start revitalizing the sport side of the house and not the profit side. I like money as much as the next guy, but these people are ridiculous. I want a gajillion dollars or I'm not playing. screw that. I won a trophy so I want more money. These people only "work" a few months a year. They are handed all kinds of deals and contracts. Millions on top of millions. I was told by a friend that they deserve it because the sports are so tough on the body that they are essentially crippled when they retire after 5-7 years of play. I disagree. After 5-7 years of play, they are financially set and just don't have to work anymore. They receive better medical care and physical training than the military. Whiners. I have no sympathy for a paid professional athlete that sits out for a minor injury. I dont care if his/her arm fell off,they make 26 million dollars they better be on the field playing. usually it's something trivial. A strained pinky finger. A chipped nail. A grain of sand in the vagina. These schmucks are ripping off the country. Fire them and give a talented athlete who gives a shit about teamwork and the game itself a chance. This of course excludes Olympic athletes who are not allowed to profit for play, thought they get some good deals after they win. It also excludes the handful of good athletes who are active in their communities and donate vast amounts of their exaggerated income to charities/good causes(not politicians) and they are few and far between. Otherwise, I hope their knee caps and thumbs fall off during pre-season practices.


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