Thursday, December 29, 2005

I Think I Found A Career I Can Enjoy!

I think we should torture these fucks that we capture on the battlefield. I'll do it for free. Give me 20 minutes with a tray table holding a salad shooter, a rolling pin, two glass swizzle sticks and a pint of butter flavored Crisco and I will have those haji's begging to tell us anything we want. If that equipment list is too extreme for you, then how about giving me a blowtorch, 6 milk bottles and a tuning fork. Guarantee the same results. Any one of you liberal hippy peace-nik fucks that don't agree, simply apply your logic on this that you do toward censorship or obeying the law-don't like it, don't watch. Because we don't need your fucking input. Liberals have undermined even the best intentions in this country. Mistakes have been made, but liberals don't offer solutions or alternatives, they just bitch and whine about EVERYTHING. I think congress should be fired, every single one of them for being lazy, self-serving douchebags. Replace them with some high school student body presidents or even a group of illiterate rednecks. It would be an improvement either way. I know for a fact that any liberal hippy peace activist that gets caught by some shitbag haji, like the four that are currently being held, would pray their ass off that some hard charging republican will come save their ass and kill their captors because they know no liberal is going to help them if it involves actual work. They know their buddies are going to use the power of protest and prayer vigil to set them free. Good luck and good riddance. Bet you'll vote next time, hippy.


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