Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ride The Liberal Logic Train!

Ok kiddies, let's see if you can follow this. Some liberal fucks in the country have been droning on and on about how Bush misled the country to war and how he lied about all of these bits of intel before and during the war. Last I checked, those are easily impeachable accusations. Nixon resigned for lying and Clinton faced impeachment as well for the same thing. So, being that is the big smoking gun these liberal geniuses have found, why on earth have they not filed for an impeachment? Could it be because they know it is all bullshit? Could it be that they know it wouldn't stand up in any court? Could it even be that they have figured out that their liberal champions in congress were keen on the same information and therefore just as guilty as the president and we can't just fire all of them can we? Can we? What would Kerry and Kennedy do if they weren't soaking up kickbacks from the Big Dig? What would Pelosi do now that she is an old saggy hag? She can't get a job in Hollywood, much less a McDonald's, she is too much of a raving bitch. The fact is, all you liberal fucks are so upset with your own parties ineffective, inept, and idiotic performance that you just hate Bush because he beat your simpleton hands down. That made you bonkers. Get over it. Kinda like the Civil War. The north won, the south lost. They get that. The south doesn't like it, but they got over it. Take a lesson from them. Also, all of you hippy moron law school fucks need to shut the fuck up on the whole military recruiter issue. Deal with it. The law is clear, allow the recruiters on campus or lose your federal funding. Simple. Even fry cooks get it. What makes you fucks so special? I know it isn't your charm, most of you are studying to chase ambulances and will specialize in frivolous lawsuits representing some social retard with an overly sensitive personality. Go fuck yourselves. I hope the court rules in favor of the government on this one and forces you fucks to go to a community college to round out your degree in pre-colonial american history. It wasn't a constitutional issue when Clinton passed the law, and it wasn't an issue until the war started. Get a fucking life you freaky pieces of shit. I hope the crackhead you represent stabs you in the groin with your montblanc pen and gives you hepatitis C.


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