Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's Christmas Time In Hell!

It's a great time of year, when the democrats like to throw a bunch of negative bullshit on the rest of the country so that we all feel bad about the holidays and everything else in the world. According to John "douchebag" Kerry, the american troops are the terrorists. Apparently, he has been brainwashed by the jihadi nutjobs in the middle east because that is what they say verbatim. He isn't alone in his incessant whiny yammering. Ted "no pants" Kennedy, Jimmy"the nutman" Carter, Nancy"wicked witch of the west"pelosi, and all the other liberal fuckwits in the country are siding with the terrorists and blaming our own country for all the problems in the world. I extend to them and all who share their views the following: An invitation to have me move you out of the country permanently and immediately, free of charge; a swift kick in the head/groin with steel toe boots; my personal promise to ensure you never breed again by sterilization/castration with a salad shooter and/or potato peeler. The picture represents what is to come shortly as soon as the court in Iraq finishes dealing with the circus our liberal dumbass lawyer Clarke and his brand of idiotic shenanigans he took over there with him. I would not be surprised to hear that Johnny Cochran's law firm was contacted to represent Saddam and his lackeys. To all of you mentioned in this post, I hope Santa shits in your refridgerator crisper, and his sleigh rips a gaping hole in your roof.


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