Wednesday, November 30, 2005

How 'Bout A Waaa Burger and French Cries?

This is a great picture. Award winning. It depicts a frumpy, out of her mind, liberal, bunny-hugging, fuckwit after her peak. Apparently cindy shithead and her publisher got upset at this picture, as they say it portrayed the event as a flop. A failure. A bust. They say it was a huge success. According to them, they had a huge crowd of 100 people. 100 people? That is a single busload. How is it, that a leftwing nutjob who once held the sway of thousands now calls a mere 100 people a huge success? She has lost her gilded image, and the people realized she was nothing more than a spotlight grabber, using the image of her dead kid to gain recognition for her own fucked up ideology. The hens have come home to roost, and they are shitting in her hair.


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