Friday, December 16, 2005

Now Things Are Getting Out Of Hand

Democrats, here is the representation your party leaders are offering: "There is no one Democratic voice . . . and there is no one Democratic position," that from the horses' ass- Nancy Pelosi. Apparently a unified message is beyond your parties grasp and they have yet to come up with any kind of message they can agree on with each other, much less the rest of the country, so I guess she figures no message is THE message. What a douchebag. Also, Shitbag Kerry said that if the Democrats take the house majority in 06', he would move to impeach Bush. On what grounds? Dumbass needs to realizes his indictment would have to include every single congressman and senator not to mention the entire administration. I guess he really is a fucking moron, his grades certainly reflected that seeing as his were worse than Bush's and the bozo refused to release his military records prior to the election to challenge the accusations against his record by the swifties, and he finally released them, 14 months after the election, and there wasn't anything in his records that supported the swifties accusations or showed anything other than 'yeah, he was there'. Nothing special, but it would have proved the swifties wrong and probably would have gotten his dumbass elected. He is a total moron. He can't even stay on the same side of an issue in the same sentence. Of course, Howard Dean is no better, he pretty much equates conservatives to nazis and feels the democratic party is his own personal soapbox and alienates everyone that hears his idiotic drivel. Then again, all of you liberal geniuses put these retards in power. Actually, they are not retarded, they are stupid. Retards have redeeming qualities. I can't wait to see the republican machine chew all you hippy treehugging liberal fucks up again in 06 and 08. That will be sweet. I still will help you leave the country though, free of charge. My other alternative choice would be for all of you to kill yourselves. Cheaper, and no one will miss you. Have a great Christmahanakwanzakah!


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