Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year, Now Let's Do It Right

Let's start by removing the democrats from office, and the haji's from the earth. Wait, Let's just pound the haji's into submission by carpet bombing their countries with nukes,and remove the democrats from the earth. Also, is it Christmahanakwanzakah or kwanzhanamas or festivus? Fuck it, give me some peace and kill yourselves so it will be quiet around here. The nice thing about the holiday season in D.C. was the total lack of traffic on the road, it was almost scary having no traffic during rush hours. It was great, no yelling at some dumb bimbo applying makeup with a spackling tool and reading her text messages on her blackberry while drifting into my lane. No idiot reading the paper on his way in doing 70 down an off-ramp. Can't you idiots stay home from now on? Let's make it a year to relax and I won't have to murder you. Have a great year dodging bullets and morons everyone, I doubt you will make it through unscathed.


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