Thursday, September 07, 2006

An Open Letter To The Spineless CEO Of ABC

Why have you forsaken your duties and caved to the whiny mewlings of some deadbeat ex-president and some idiot congressmen? Why have you turned your back on the producers, writers, and all the crew and staff that created and worked on your 9/11 show? Why did you forfeit your 1st amendment rights to express, in a fictional representation, a series of events that may or may not have happened and are presented as exactly one thing-fantasy? Why did you forsake the millions of viewers who were looking forward to watching a fictional show based on true events? I can answer this for you, and I invite a rebuttal. Simply put- you have neither the spine, nor intestinal fortitude to exercise your rights and tell that fucking has-been of a president and criminal as well as his lackeys in congress to go shove their heads into a pile of shit. You lack the balls to back your companies product in the face of some whiny idiots who threaten you with more whining. What pray tell are they going to do? That asshole was impeached for criminal activity and successfully built his empire through deception. Your show depicts a fictional account of potential happenings taken from public record that he was found to have committed. His idiot supporters in congress are also in the hot seat as they were and apparently still are supporters of his corrupt regime. Your strongest arguement to show the unchanged version is the film depicting the assassination of the current president, which by the way is also a fictional account. No one is threatening that studio or film festival because it shows the current president in a negative light. You sir, are a pussy. You should tell bubba clinton and his bitch wife and all their friends to go fuck themselves and run the original unchanged show in its entirety until it no longer attracts viewers. I guess the threat of a nasty-gram telling you that the democratic party no longer likes you was too much to bear and you caved like a big ol' stinky pussy. You disgust me, and millions of viewers. People like you take freedom for granted because you do not know what oppression means. You effectively voided the 1st amendment rights of everyone that worked on that project. I hope you can learn to forgive yourself because no American worth a damn will. As an offer to redeem yourself, I will show the original for you, at no cost to you and for no personal gain. All you need to do is provide a copy in DVD format and not only will I guard it with great ferocity, I will ensure no copies are made without your express permission. Since I know you will never accept this offer, I will leave it on the table anyway, but leave you with this-YOU SUCKED CLINTON'S ASS ON THIS, HOPE HIS SHIT TASTED GOOD YOU FAT FUCK.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wait, Someone IS Paying Attention!

Our President (he IS OUR president,you whiny liberal fucks)made an excellent speech today discussing the threat to our country from the backwards thinking islamic pig fuckers. He pretty much outlined who the threat was from, what it was, and what we needed to do. I agreed with most of it. I say most because while he has definitely done his homework on what these ragheaded fucks are trying to do, he didn't actually come out and say that it was the ideology of islam that was the root. Of course, any liberal who reads this will instantly thump his/her chest and say loudly "see, he is a Racist bigot who has no tolerance for a peaceful people!" to which I reply-ISLAM IS A RELIGION, NOT A RACE YOU SIMPLETON ASSCLOWN. If I had said something against jews or blacks or whites, then yeah, call me a racist. Otherwise shut your fucking mouth. Islam is a violent ideology, and pretty much is spread through violent acts. It is viral, and hard to kill, like a fungus. I hope that whoever takes the reigns in 2008 has the balls to take the stand against the invasive and harmful ideology that islam is. We have organizations like CAIR and MPAC and MAS that are pretty much committing treason and subterfuge against the U.S. and no one is doing anything about it except a handful of vigilant bloggers and very few analysts. We need to strike out against these assholes and show them that americans not only know what they are up to, but we will not let it go unchallenged. Even if we protest outside of the headquarters of CAIR or MPAC, or even in front of the Saudi embassy or in front of a mosque that has haji hate mongers spewing anti american rhetoric, it will be something. It all boils down to one man standing, a unified voice for freedom. Would you give your life for the freedoms you are now enjoying? I already stepped into the breach on a number of occasions, I would do it again. The question remains-will you do something to preserve our way of life or will you stand idly by and submit to your sheep-like death and go quietly into the night?