Thursday, November 16, 2006

Someone Drop A House On Nancy Pelosi Please

I think seeing that hideous bitch on tv all the time has triggered my PTSD. I would like to see a house drop on her from the sky so we can all get on with our lives without having to see her skeletonized, crypt keeper visage from the televison broadcasts. Everytime she opens her mouth, God kills another puppy. She is that evil. It appears someone reanimated a corpse and put a mask on it then dressed it up in a gaudy pantsuit or dress that 14th street hookers find tacky. She needs to go. I figure a few more defeats like she had today and 08 will be looking good. Otherwise, I am moving to Bermuda. Thing is, I actually will go, unlike all of you spineless, simpering, moonbat liberals who claimed you woul go and never did. Fuck you liberals and all who voted pelosi into power.


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