Monday, November 13, 2006

All Hail The Death Of Fun!

Since my last post, the world has taken a massive dump and now people are wondering what the smell is. That smell is the rotting corpse of freedom which got kicked in the nuts by lazy citizens who failed to vote, and was given the coup d' grace by the liberals who took office and began revealing their nefarious plans to fuck our country up permanently. We now have a psychotic haji in congress. We have a super liberal hag beast as the speaker. We even have a bunch of pussies about to take control of the military. I have spent the last several days scouting out escape routes and stocking up on 12 guage for my now inevitable run to the hills which I can't imagine will be too long from now. To all of you stay at home voters, I hope you are the first to go. To the liberals, pray to whatever faith you may have we never cross paths if we get attacked, I may be low on food and traitors are yummy.


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