Monday, October 16, 2006

Some People's Kids and Cindy Sheehan Need to Die

I imagine it sounded like a great idea to her, to plant a part of herself in the land. I guess she imagined it would propagate a little growth as it had in the past. What she didn't think about, was the fact she was planting her fucking useless uterus into the ground in some god awful part of texas and expecting it to produce. This moonbat has officially and irrefutably flipped her wig. I knew she was a fucking nut all along, but many have given her endless slack due to the loss of her son. Boo fucking hoo. I personally know several people who didn't return home in one piece and their families are heroes in my book as they understood what their sons/brothers/fathers were fighting for. I hope the spot where she buried her sick little moonbat incubator never produces a single living thing. I bet the fire ants are avoiding the area as well. She needs to get ejected from the country and sent to venezuela or iran so she can live in peace an enjoy all the freedom she is fit to have under those wonderful governments. I know I won't be eating tonight.


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