Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dick Durbin Is A Hypocrite And Liar

And he must read my blog as his speech today on CSPAN pretty much mirrored a post of mine from a while back. I took the time to write him a letter, doubt he will respond. Continue reading for your enjoyment!
Sen. Durbin,
I am writing to comment on your CSPAN covered speech today, December 5th, in which you made some very good points regarding the "do nothing" congress and minimum wage comparisons. I would like to ask you to clarify a few questions on your stance regarding these topics. Is it not true that you sir, are a part of this "do nothing" congress and have worked in session just as much as the so-called "do nothing" congressmen? Isn't it true, that you also voted for all the pay raises each time since you took office and have yet to fight for minimum wage increases in a truly effective manner?
Rhetoric aside senator, you have done little to increase the minimum wage, in fact, you will be a great contributor to it's diminishment as you and your party vote for increased taxes shrinking the take home funds minimum wage workers have. As a veteran and taxpayer, I feel your statements today are a binding contract with your constituents that you will tirelessly work to increase the amount of money in their pockets by raising the minimum wage, and that you will refuse future pay increases until that has been achieved. Anything less sir, makes you a hypocrite and a liar.
I eagerly await your form letter response from one of your staffers as I doubt this letter will ever see your desk. Please feel free to email me if you would like to discuss these questions at your convenience.

This concludes our broadcast day!


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