Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wait, Someone IS Paying Attention!

Our President (he IS OUR president,you whiny liberal fucks)made an excellent speech today discussing the threat to our country from the backwards thinking islamic pig fuckers. He pretty much outlined who the threat was from, what it was, and what we needed to do. I agreed with most of it. I say most because while he has definitely done his homework on what these ragheaded fucks are trying to do, he didn't actually come out and say that it was the ideology of islam that was the root. Of course, any liberal who reads this will instantly thump his/her chest and say loudly "see, he is a Racist bigot who has no tolerance for a peaceful people!" to which I reply-ISLAM IS A RELIGION, NOT A RACE YOU SIMPLETON ASSCLOWN. If I had said something against jews or blacks or whites, then yeah, call me a racist. Otherwise shut your fucking mouth. Islam is a violent ideology, and pretty much is spread through violent acts. It is viral, and hard to kill, like a fungus. I hope that whoever takes the reigns in 2008 has the balls to take the stand against the invasive and harmful ideology that islam is. We have organizations like CAIR and MPAC and MAS that are pretty much committing treason and subterfuge against the U.S. and no one is doing anything about it except a handful of vigilant bloggers and very few analysts. We need to strike out against these assholes and show them that americans not only know what they are up to, but we will not let it go unchallenged. Even if we protest outside of the headquarters of CAIR or MPAC, or even in front of the Saudi embassy or in front of a mosque that has haji hate mongers spewing anti american rhetoric, it will be something. It all boils down to one man standing, a unified voice for freedom. Would you give your life for the freedoms you are now enjoying? I already stepped into the breach on a number of occasions, I would do it again. The question remains-will you do something to preserve our way of life or will you stand idly by and submit to your sheep-like death and go quietly into the night?


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