Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Liberals Continue To Ignore The Muslim Threat

Apparently all of the liberals missed the centuries of memos that prove without any kind of doubt that muslims are trying to take over everything. They are subverting western countries by using the local laws and citizens rights against the host countries and in some cases, overthrowing the government violently. This has been going on since Islam's inception, it is well documented in the koran, and has continued for the last 1300 years. Of course, all of my favorite people are ignoring this and squealing about how we can't profile muslims at airports or spy on international calls made from terrorists or as I like to refer to them- muslims, because someone's feelings might get hurt or some overzealous cop will break the rules on an actual human being and not just on some shitbag haji. So in an effort to make it clear to you liberal fucks who are even now sending your contribution to the ACLU to make life in America harder and cursing the day Bush was born, I will spell it out for you in terms even a retarded, illiterate, mongoloid halfbreed can understand- YOUR RIGHT TO NOT HAVE YOUR FEELINGS HURT DOES NOT EXIST, NEVER HAS, NEVER WILL. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION OR THE BILL OF RIGHTS, IT IS NOT EVEN IN THE GENEVA CONVENTION. MY RIGHT TO NOT GET BLOWN UP OVER A CORNFIELD BY A FUCKING HAJI IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR ISSUE WITH PROFILING A BUNCH OF HAJI'S WHO HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF THAT BEHAVIOUR. If you still need clarification or if I used too many $5 words, please email your address to me and I will be right over to ensure your confusion ceases. Maybe next time something explodes in this country, all you whiny fucks will wake up and we can start cleaning house. I hope so, otherwise we will have a huge problem that we will be addressing on someone else's terms and not our own. If I haven't said it already, Mohammed (FHITA) was a crazy CHOMO and not a prophet. He raped little kids and made up his revelations to get away with it. When David Berkowitz said his dog told him to kill people, we said 'yer batshit crazy and need to go to prison!' when Mohammed (FHITA) raped kids and massacred thousands of people he didn't like, he was awarded 'prophet' status and has followers. WHY DON'T YOU FUCKS GET IT?
As a side note, usually the haji's like to put pbuh after mo's name for 'peace be upon him', I am using FHITA or FUCK HIM IN THE ASS since he advocates raping kids and haji men will fuck other men for pleasure since chicks are only for making kids and unless you are married, no women. True stuff, I was in the middle east and that is the way islam is. Fuck you if you don't believe me.


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