Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Run For Your Lives! It's A Cloudy Day!

I think I am going to vomit from the overreaction and overexposure the media is giving to the stupidity that persists throughout the world. The media circus literally has become exactly that, a fucking circus. The fervor and gross amount of time they spent on that fucking crazy chomo mark karr was egregious to say the least, and even the dumbest of the masses were smashing their collective heads against their televisions screaming 'HE DIDN'T DO IT! HE'S A FUCKING FRUITLOOP!' Then there was and is the whole lebanon photoshop scandal where haji photographers edited and staged events to smear the Israeli campaign and make the haji's look like victims. A lot of people pulled the bullshit card on that one, and now the media is facing scrutiny like never before. Of course there was the valerie plame issue, which now that it has been proven that the Bush administration broke no laws and the accusors are total douchebags along with their democrat lackeys, the media has dropped that like a hot bag of herpes since they were covering it 24/7 and now look like total hacks. I have seen high school papers with better credibility and journalistic ethos. Now we have the 'storm of the century' Ernesto, bearing down on Florida. It is a tropical storm, meaning NOT A HURRICANE! It is all anyone can talk about, how it is going to destroy all life as we know it and only prayer can help those poor souls in it's path. There are literally going to be thousands, thousands of people inconvenienced on their beach vacations over the next couple days as the worst storm to ever hit the country steamrolls it's way through the eastern seaboard. CNN is going to cover this 24/7 until it's over or there is nothing left. Of course, they will do a special anniversary edition as well next year, detailing the harrowing accounts of floridians who had to wait in a long line to get gas since everyone panicked and fled the peaceful state where this type of thing NEVER happens. Give me a fucking break. A tropical storm is not much worse than a cloudy day. It is just a little rainy and has some wind to it. No biggie. Maybe we can start shooting journalists who cover one story ad nauseum so that we can have real news reported. You know, like how congress is fucking the average citizen, or how the ACLU is raping americans of their constitutional rights, or better yet, how the fucking filthy haji's are trying to kill us at every turn. Maybe then we could get some work done.


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