Saturday, August 19, 2006

Everywhere I Go, There's A Douchebag There

So I went out of town for some relaxation, and things were great- until the Attorney fuckin General of California Bill Lockyer and his demonic fucking brat "diego" henceforth referred to as 'diablo' and his bitch on heels trophy fuck he calls wife showed up. Since I was riding a train, I couldn't exactly get away from the fucking brat, and his "parents" didn't do anything to control the screaming, temper tantrum throwing, running around shenanigans their retarded offspring was committing. This shitball was running around in circles on the observation deck of the train, and ran into me three times while his mother was chatting with another passenger. The attorney general sperm donor was nestled in his seat, blissfully unaware of where his fuck trophy and cockwhore were. After the third time, I shot this bitch a look which she must have understood since she snatched diablo up as he was preparing to come around again and run into me. She was good to do that as diablo would have learned what happens when PTSD is set off as he flew from the train followed by his mother. Yes, diablo was a total nightmare and there were many people on the train who wanted to throw him and his parents off. The total lack of concern or parenting the attorney general of california and his trophy fuck had for their offspring showed me exactly why california should be dropped into the Pacific or turned into a giant prison. These people didn't have a care in the world. They definitely didn't know the first thing about parenting, they obviously have a person who does that in california. I hope the people in california realize the quality of the individual who is their attorney general and the type of leeching parasite he married are and boot them to the curb. Get a good look at this douchebag so if you are on a plane, train, or boat you can avoid him and his bitch wife and demonic kid. This fat asshole pretty much ignored his kid, occasionally he would ask diablo if he wanted to go to the dining car or the gift shop on the train and diablo would act like the fucking exorcist child and he would just laugh it off and sit his fat ass back down. His wife, who looked like she was a third of his age, and obviously married him for the power, position and money, would also ignore the fucking brat, often leaving him unattended to go take pictures or go chat with someone. I personally cannot take credit for the nickname 'diablo' as I had been calling him satan, the credit goes to another irritated passenger and hell of a nice guy named Mickey who was there with his wife Marishka and friends Steve and Ken, and the Ol' Marine. All very nice and all very much wanted to pitch the Lockyers off the train. A few days passed before I saw diablo, I passed him as he played unattended around an open construction pit with barbed wire and exposed rebar sticking up out of a very deep hole, his parents sitting on a bench not paying attention with their backs turned to him about 100 feet away. I said to myself, construction sites are safe to play in, hopefully diablo will find out how much. Maybe someone important will read this entry and maybe, they will know what I am talking about. Maybe, someone will get these fucks out of office and into prison for being bad parents. I doubt that anyone in california will do anything about it, but I can dream.


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