Thursday, November 16, 2006

Someone Drop A House On Nancy Pelosi Please

I think seeing that hideous bitch on tv all the time has triggered my PTSD. I would like to see a house drop on her from the sky so we can all get on with our lives without having to see her skeletonized, crypt keeper visage from the televison broadcasts. Everytime she opens her mouth, God kills another puppy. She is that evil. It appears someone reanimated a corpse and put a mask on it then dressed it up in a gaudy pantsuit or dress that 14th street hookers find tacky. She needs to go. I figure a few more defeats like she had today and 08 will be looking good. Otherwise, I am moving to Bermuda. Thing is, I actually will go, unlike all of you spineless, simpering, moonbat liberals who claimed you woul go and never did. Fuck you liberals and all who voted pelosi into power.

Monday, November 13, 2006

All Hail The Death Of Fun!

Since my last post, the world has taken a massive dump and now people are wondering what the smell is. That smell is the rotting corpse of freedom which got kicked in the nuts by lazy citizens who failed to vote, and was given the coup d' grace by the liberals who took office and began revealing their nefarious plans to fuck our country up permanently. We now have a psychotic haji in congress. We have a super liberal hag beast as the speaker. We even have a bunch of pussies about to take control of the military. I have spent the last several days scouting out escape routes and stocking up on 12 guage for my now inevitable run to the hills which I can't imagine will be too long from now. To all of you stay at home voters, I hope you are the first to go. To the liberals, pray to whatever faith you may have we never cross paths if we get attacked, I may be low on food and traitors are yummy.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Vote For Democrats Is A Vote For Death

I sent this to Sen. Kerry (Douchebag, MA) as a futile attempt to channel some rage toward that scumbag. I was able to get it to some other excellent folks as well to spread it around a bit. Of course, I know the douchebag will not respond and he has offered feeble 'apologies' which are even more insulting to people's intellingence. I know most people are too stupid to know any better, but if you do one thing right in your life, vote republican on the 7th or else stock up on ammuntion and supplies because it will be a long time for normalcy to come back once the leftards fuck things up. Without further delay, my letter to Kerry:
Sen. Kerry,
Today the news has displayed some troubling quotes by you regarding the intelligence of people serving in the armed forces. You further went on to say that you refused to be lectured by stuffed shirt White House mouthpieces or Republicans that had not even served in combat. This is an open challenge to you, sir. I am prepared to debate you on your recent remarks not only as a republican that has served in the armed forces and in combat in Iraq, but as an educated person who volunteered to serve this country in the armed forces knowing that combat was a distinct possibility. The forum can be of your choosing, the topic is of course your stance on the military and how uneducated people are "victims" of nefarious recruiters, the only question left to answer by you,sir, is will you accept this challenge. No doubt you have nothing to fear from a lowly Sergeant without a formal college education who hasn't been molded into a professional politician or participated in any debates with the likes of you. No doubt you will decline this challenge as it will be deemed 'beneath you' to be called on the carpet by a simple commoner such as I. Likely, you will never even see this email as your dutifull staffers will cull this from the thousands of hate mails already pouring into your office and simply shred them. I have dealt with scum before but you sir,disgust me. I await the form letter from your puppet staff and wait with baited breath that you accept my challenge.