Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What's the opposite of progress?

CONGRESS. At least in this day and age. These assholes are wreaking havoc on the sacred institution the founding fathers put in place when the country was born. These cheap, lazy, money-grubbing, self-centered, self-serving, slugs have taken to a form of government that on its face could not even begin to resemble the government we had 100 years ago. 100 years ago, if someone gave an elected official money to vote "their" way, they would have been charged with bribing a government official. Those laws are still on the books, except now these shitbag fatcats have turned bribery into "campaign donations". Donate to my campaign fund, and I will make sure your issues are taken care of. Don't,and I will see what I can do.(translates into your issue is put into the circular file) I am told "that's just how it works". BULLSHIT. That may be how it works now, but it is not what it is supposed to be. Special interest groups/PAC's are running the show. They throw a ton of cash toward officials who toe the line with their views, and throw money at discrediting/destroying those who don't. I am all for our elected officials doing their job, but they need to be doing their job without conditions, after all that is why they sought higher office, right? Too bad we can't bring the first 5 presidents to our time. I think they would probably be disgusted that a pure idea had been corrupted by these charlatans disguised as well meaning representatives of the people. I think there should be a renaissance of our government, where we get back to the real meaning of democracy,and the true intent of the constitution. Fuck congress.


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