Friday, November 18, 2005

Did We Do That?

Zarqawi just released a statement saying they didn't mean to blow up a muslim wedding party last week, it was an accident. Riiiiiiight. He says that muslims mean more to him and his merry band of camel-fuckers than themselves. That explains it. I guess the thousands of muslims that have been blown into little meatballs by his nutjob jihadis have all been accidents and mistakes. His group kills more innocent people than they kill police or troops. This guy realizes that he has stepped into a hornets nest and is trying to stop any negative feelings in the muslim world since he is reliant on them to stay employed and breathing. This guy is a sick fuck that needs to be skinned alive with a cheese grater and fed to pigs. This guy also must think everyone in the world is stupid (he may be right to an extent) and will buy his lame excuse. Hopefully he will be killed with a white phosphorus grenade stuffed in his ass.


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