Wednesday, November 16, 2005

You Disgust Me. Die!

Our super efficient congress has decided to 'defund' the so-called "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska because they now can't figure out how they ever justified building a multi-million dollar bridge to an island that has less than 50 people living on it. Hmm. I guess they ran out of stupid soup in the congressional cafeteria. I also like how the french riots are still ongoing, but the media is downplaying it by saying things like "less than 300 cars were burned today, less than previous nights" or "only 2 schools got torched, the rioters are losing momentum" NO. Likely, they are running out of things to burn.
The world also decided to back off the issue of the U.S. handing total control of the internet over to the world body, probably because we told the world to go fuck themselves and we will destroy the internet before we turn it over to a bunch of spineless pussies. So, in a stunning compromise, negotiators from over 100 countries decided that they would let the U.S. keep the internet under control, and they would form a forum to address concerns that has no binding authority. Kinda like the U.N. but for the internet. Glad to see the world figured out not to fuck with the guys with their fingers on the button. I am sure the ACLU will sue on the worlds behalf as they will no doubt be peeved that their overlords in Europe have had their peepee's slapped by the U.S. Fuck them, and fuck the ACLU. Fuck the french too. A suggestion for france, try using violence against these fucks, it works. That, or learn arabic.


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