Thursday, November 17, 2005

Self Licking Ice Cream Cones

I am depressed. Liberals are running amok. Hajis are being represented by the ACLU against the U.S. government. Congress is full of incompetent morons who don't do their jobs. Little pissant minority groups are causing major strife in the country. Illegal aliens are swarming our major cities and draining our resources. I think we all know what to do. KILL EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM. ALL the liberals, illegal aliens, members of the ACLU, every filthy haji trying to harm us, and then we set our sights on putting competent, patriotic, hard-working, straight-up, representatives into our congress so that all this bullshit goes away. This isn't about republicans or democrats, it is about holding people accountable for their actions or inactions. Congress hasn't done their job in 20 years. Fuckhead Kennedy is a two-faced moron who can't do anything except complain and cause problems. All of his counterparts on the left are wrecking the way the country runs by shafting the majority and using double standards. Sen. Reid is about as useful as a jalapeno suppository, and Kerry is still a fucking idiot. I saw yesterday that
there was a 'secret jail' found in Baghdad, by our troops, and that a bunch of torture allegations are now running wild. The picture above, has an Iraqi spokesman holding pictures of alleged torture victims. What the fucks aren't telling anyone is that the pictures he is holding, those same ones, are not tortured iraqis from a secret jail, they are pictures of a dead insurgent who was killed because he was part of a mortar crew launching mortars at a U.S. base in Iraq. He was killed in the act. I know this, because I have had that picture, and pictures of his buddies, for almost a year now and I never handled detainees or prisoners. This scandal is all bullshit. Those pictures are not torture victims, they are shitbag haji jihadists who got shot trying to kill the good guys. Fuck you liberal media and fuck you haji. Most of all, fuck you congress for not giving troops the support you should have been giving from the start. You fucks should have used the constitutional power to declare war and stick with it. You shitbags are spineless. Build a goddamn wall on the border so the illegals have a hard time getting in, start executing enemy combatants that are found guilty, smack these special interest liberal groups with a cease and desist order so normal people can live peacefully and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB. Special 'FUCK YOU' to Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and Harry Reid-GO FUCK YOURSELVES.


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