Thursday, November 03, 2005

Just Shut Your Filthy Mouth, Liberal.

Kanye West said Bush doesn't like black people. 50 Cent says Kanye West is an idiot for thinking that. How does a thug crack dealer figure this out and all of these bitchass liberal fuckwits can't? This guy is a big cockroach and still retains enough brain function to know that a hurricane is something no one can control and therefore bush can't be blamed for it. Some other disturbing items out theremade me sick with rage like the wild and rampant rumors of secret CIA prisons all over the world. Let's explore this-if they were so secret, how did the fucking media find out about them?huh? huh? You liberal fucks have not only hit the very bottom, you have started to dig. What next? Sasquatch leading a deathsquad in Montana? Alien overlords found in a bunker controlling our infrastructure? Give me a fucking break. We should be so lucky to have secret prisons where our people can incarcerate and extract information from the worst creatures on the planet, unabated by international laws and intrusive rights watch organizations. Fuck the red cross and amnesty international, they are in the way and keeping these shitbags afloat with their meddling. The ACLU is also interfering with demands for fucking lawyers for these butchers of babies. Fuck you, ACLU. In short, I hate you liberal idiots. You are wrong on so many levels it is insane. You can't see the forest for the trees because you keep chaining yourself to them in an effort to deprive the country of a renewable resource. Next time I see you driving your shiny new Hummer down I-95 chatting on your cell phone while eating a cheeseburger while you have a "meat is murder" and "everyday is earth day" bumper sticker pasted on your piece of shit cars ass, I am going to throw a bottle through your god damned windshield and hit you in your plastic surgery altered face. Fucking hypocritic liberal assholes.


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