Friday, November 18, 2005

Fire Congress, Hire Monkeys Instead!

Congress shot down a bill that had a number of things wrong with it, like the part where several members wanted to have buildings named after themselves. These egomaniacs need a lesson in humility and a real education in public service. Public service isn't complicated, it is exactly what the title says-public service. Doing what is right and good for the people, not yourself. These ass-clowns are draining our morale, sinking our country with unnecessary rules, andtrying to regulate our lives into servitude. Fuck them. They shouldn't even be paid, it should be a volunteer position that you get a cost of living allowance and that is it. Oh yeah, and while you are in the job, NO campaigning for re-election. If you are doing your job well then you will be asked to continue. If not, then buh-bye. I hope these fucks get voted out and we get 435 new faces in to do some good. I am tired of the antics and shenanigans these idiots are pulling. They haven't done anything except backstab each other and ignore important issues all year, and they complain about decisions they made years ago when it was popular. Try sticking to your guns morons. Fucking nancy pelosi (who looks like someone beat her with a hot bag of nickels) is upset that people don't agree with San Fransisco's decision to ban military recruiters in all of their schools. She maintains that they have the right to that decision. Ok, well as a former military person, I will not lift one finger to help anyone in that town, and I will never visit that city, even if there is a disaster there and I was asked to go help. Fuck them. When pelosi respects other peoples decisions that differ from hers, then I might reconsider, but I think ice water in hell will be an easier thing to get than her being anything other than a raving psycho bitch on wheels. I hope she has a giant ball of frozen airplane sewage hit her in the head. In San Fransisco. On Veterans Day. I would go help then, just so I could take pictures and laugh.


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