Monday, November 21, 2005

Sack Congress

These bozo's have had their leprous, grubby, greedy, little dickbeaters in the honey pot long enough. They need to be summarily fired and driven out of office. These fucks decided that not only are they going to postpone voting on important issues (again) but they are also giving themselves a raise and a 2 week vacation. What the fuck? These assholes haven't done anything to deserve a vacation, much less a raise. They constantly argue the stupidest things, call each other names, and stonewall actual work, but they unite and unanimously agree to give themselves more money and time off? The people need to wake the fuck up and police these charlatans responsibly. They are taking advantage of their office and need their balls smacked. I am not saying overthrow the government or anything like that, I am saying remove all these corrupt, inept, idiots and replace them with people who will take the job seriously and get shit done. I would do the job for a third of what they get paid. That would be a sufficient wage and no one would be able to say it was for the money. These assholes don't pay social security either, which is why they won't fix it for the rest of us. Fuck them. Fire them all.


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