Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fire Arlen Specter.

Sen. Specter has decided that the Judiciary committee has a top priority as does congress, to ensure Terrell Owens of the Eagles gets to play football. The war on terror, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, corruption in the oil market, corruption in congress, low approval ratings for the republican party, and any other world issue has officially taken a backseat to a millionaire who isn't allowed to play a game. BOO FUCKING HOO!! So fucking what? What is the big deal? He is still getting paid millions to sit at home and watch TV. He still has a contract. He is still employed. Who gives a fuck if he can't play a fucking game this year, it isn't like he was carrying the team. Specter needs to wake the fuck up and realize his job is on the line and that he can be voted out of office for being an asswipe, just like every other congressman or senator. Believe me, they are all deserving of the axe this go 'round as they have all shirked their duties and fucked the whole system up. They decided to go on vacation instead of working, and gave themselves a fucking raise instead of diverting the money toward rebuilding the hurricane zones or helping the deficit. I hate liberals, but I hate inept morons more. i hope they get their act together or I am voting these fucks out of office and moving to the Artic circle. I have written the GOP, and encourage everyone to do the same to express their disgust and anger about this gross misuse of senate time and powers. Fuck Specter.


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