Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stop Whining!

All of you liberal fucks need to shut the fuck up. New Orleans has had tons of cash and aid thrown at it, and all the media reports is how angry the people down there are that they have to actually help clean up their own property. One guy had the nerve to say that the government didn't intend to rebuild the city. If that was the case, his dumb ass would still be in texas, and the businesses that came back would have never set foot in the city. I will help anyone in New Orleans clean up their shit, but I want HALF of their property. If I had a storm damage my shit, I would be expected to do my part as the owner to clean it up. New Orleans has had a long history of sucking on the welfare tit of the country, and not many people down there know how to take care of themselves without the government holding their hand. That is largely the fault of you whiny liberal hand holders. On a similarly disturbing note, George Clooney made a movie bashing the administration, and Angelina Jolie defected to Cambodia. I hope she gets Malaria. Clooney is an idiot, and needs to be kicked in the nuts by a professional soccer player. There is also a huge ordeal going on over christmas in the country, and all you fucks need to get over it. If you don't like christmas, then don't celebrate it. Don't try to pull this reverse discrimination on the people who do celebrate it and say it infringes on your freedoms because it doesn't. Shove a Christmas tree in your urethra and a plastic reindeer in your ass and shut up. Christmas is a FEDERAL holiday, so it is part of the government. END OF STORY. Knock the bullshit off and get a fucking clue. No one cares that you don't like to hear the word christmas, or god, or christmas carols. If it is that painful, you should email me and I will stick my candy cane flavored shotgun barrel into your mouth and give you peace. Fucking liberals.


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