Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Can You Smell What's Cookin'?

It's what's for dinner. I can hardly wait for the indictments to come out bringing charges to all the ivory tower liberal fucks in congress like Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, and the rest of the turncoat crew. Now that Abramoff has plead guilty, he will no doubt start dragging these worthless excuses for elected officials into the light and get them roasted the way they deserve. I like my shitbag 'well done'. I know there will be alot of republicans brought down too, and I encourage it. It is time we cleaned 'house' so to speak. Get them out of office so the country can run again. No more bullshit. The only quagmire we are in is the one in D.C. and it is called congress. Liberals take note of this poster and stay at home you worthless fucks so justice can be done.


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