Monday, June 13, 2005

The Anger Sharks are swimming through my mind...

I decided it would be a great idea to protest the ACLU, all are invited. I am going to be the one with the placard depicting the Constitution on fire in front of the building. After that, I will be moving down to the NAACP, and then after that I will move on down to the next non-american, commie, leftist, poor-us, special needs, organized whiner, political activist group I can find and protest them. Why? Because I can. Because I am guaranteed my right to protest and I want to see how these fuckheads like it when someone uses their tactics against them. I figure if anything it will be a sweet deal having the ACLU fighting for the guy who protested them when I get carted off to the clink. These groups rant and rave about how they are fighting for "the people" but all they do is alienate everyone from each other by categorizing people into groups. I can't get money for school from the NAACP because I am not black. Likewise, I can't get money from latino groups, asian groups, pacific islander groups, native american groups or any other groups because I am white. Apparently I was born a super weathly racist who needs no special treatment, no help from the government, and no group to rally for my rights. I guess all I have is the Ku Klux Klan. I can't even get into that group (not that I want to) because I don't share their "religious" views, and I have a lineage that is frowned upon by them. Basically I have to do it on my own. Maybe I will start my own whiner group in the future, right now I just plan to protest everyone else's. Now the freaks and weirdos' in California want ILLEGAL aliens to be officially referred to as undocumented aliens. ILLEGAL aliens are people who are in the country ILLEGALLY, undocumented means they don't have paperwork. I have dealt with ILLEGAL aliens quite a bit. I figure ILLEGAL aliens would prefer the term that accurately descibes them, and doesn't degrade them. Like WETBACK. That would be derogatory. ILLEGAL is the term that fits because they are in violation of the law(s). If we go the route of calling ILLEGAL aliens undocumented as policy,then that takes the bite out of enforcing the laws in place as they are there to combat the flow of ILLEGAL aliens, not the undocumented ones. undocumented means "i left my paperwork at home" not "I am breaking the law." Fuck California, the ACLU(again), and every political group that segregates people under the color of protecting peoples rights because you are the source of all our problems, not the solution. While I am at it, the next time a muslim, hindu, shintoist, buddhist,jew, protestant, catholic, atheist, or any unmentioned but still included religious/non-religious person( not necessarily a practitioner, just a loudmouth) bitches about how poorly they are treated in this country, I will personally come to your home, pack your bags and send you to afghanistan, cuba, or north korea for a fun and exciting tour on what oppression really is you bastards. Shut your mouth and stop whining. Just because you don't like the word "god" doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the ones who do. Just because you aren't a christian doesnt make you bad or any less of a person. Jews, Muslims, pagans, atheists, buddhists all die the same way, none are above the finite limits of this world. Each dies the same. All I would like to see(and I am not alone) is everyone practicing their beliefs in peace and accepting the fact that not everyone thinks the way they do and have that be "OK". If you can't handle the fact that the pledge of allegiance has the word "god" in it, leave the country. If you don't like the fact that the court system asks you to swear on a bible/to god, STOP BREAKING THE LAW, and/or leave the country. If you don't like seeing a monument/tomb/other marker that depicts a cross or the ten commandments, then don't visit those places and/or leave the country. It's so simple. Its not like the government is putting it in your yard or carving it on your forehead so go to your shrine, temple, mosque, altar, church, or sacred place and thank who/whatever power you want that you live in a country that allows you to practice what you want and stop bothering other people with your beliefs because your beliefs do not have to be their beliefs. I don't care if you are a former rastafari born again jewish convert that practises santeria, I don't want to hear how you and the 6 other people who fit into your category are oppressed. You just aren't. While I am at it, fuck scientology. What a crock of shit. All this is is a tax shelter for rich assholes who like to talk down to people. Tom Cruise and the other shit heads in hollywood like to tell us how to live when these people can't even stay sober or married. The next time one of them gets caught getting a blowjob from a transexual hooker they should be dipped in tar and set on fire before they tell us who to vote for or what we should do with our money. So to sum up, Fuck Activist organizations, the ACLU, religious zealots, anti religious zealots, tom cruise, ILLEGAL aliens, and whiny people who feel their needs are above everyone else's needs.


Blogger tao1776 said...

Holy Mother-Fucking Be_Jesus!!!! You've got a lot of rage on your plate...Hope you don't own any guns...I laughed my ass off because you expressed soooooo well much of what I have felt but without the enthusiasm you seem to have. You see, I believe that all the bull shit is, and has been, the same bull shit that has squirted over humankind forever. It'll never change. I have come to realize that part of being human is having to deal with the bullshit of all the other humans. Sometimes the realization results in one being a hermit and others, well, just plain pissed off! Keep keeping on, Bro'

11:44 AM  

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