Monday, June 27, 2005

Double Secret Double Standards!

When women decided back in the 60's that they wanted to be treated equally, they burned their bra's and marched and protested and fought the establishment to get what they wanted. They got what they wanted, now they hold office, vote, run corporations, fight in the military, and do pretty much whatever the fuck they want. So why is it that when I don't open a door for one of these females, I get castigated and bitched out because I am treating you like I treat any other person? What makes you women so fucking special that you think you deserve equal treatment AND special treatment? Can it be that you feel that because you have a vagina and therefore can shit a kid that somehow entitles you to special above and beyond equal treatment? GET REAL! Women had that treatment when they were supposedly "repressed" and not treated equally. Nowadays, I get my balls stepped on by some snobby stuck up bitch on wheels who feels that her vagina would create sunshine if she wanted and thereby entitles her to get benefits above what she is otherwise able to get simply because of her being female. "I have cramps so I need the week off and you can't hold it against me" or "I get special parking because I'm pregnant". Fuck that shit. You can't have it both ways. The news is making a huge deal out of the 3 female marines that got blown up over the weekend. WHY? How are they any more special than anyone of our other troops over there getting blown up? Because they have tits? Fuck that. They are equally important as any other troop there. PERIOD. These feminist stormtroopers are full of shit and need to get pole-fucked by a fishhook studded closet rod and left to die. Better yet, deport their cobweb covered crusty vaginas to the middle east and see how they like a real oppressed society where women are worth less than a goat and are treated as property. ENJOY BITCHES! When you finally figure out that all of this is your fault it will be a true sign of the apocolypse. You bitched and moaned and cried and complained and got what you wanted, now shut the fuck up and open your own god damned door and buy your own god damned dinner! On a side note, there are plenty of modern day women who this does NOT apply to, and to you few females out there, I thank you for not being oozy whores that make people want to murder you when you open your mouth to speak. The rest of you.......I hope your tits fall off and you become incontinent wrinkly hags with hemorrhoids and gonorrhea.


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