Thursday, June 23, 2005

Because I Am Hard, You Will Not Like Me!

Ok. All you simpering, whiny, liberal, gene pool polluting, bitch-ass, parents that are trying to block military recruiters from talking to your kids at schools need to jump into a sewage treatment tank and leave things alone. First of all, this whole "not my kid" attitude only serves one purpose, and that is it undermines the ability to defend our country. Second, it teaches your kids one thing-Mom and Dad are unpatriotic pussies. Third, recruiters have been in schools for decades, so the fact that we are at war should not make this a surprise or an issue. I served, hell, I still serve.(til August,then I am out) I had a great time (usually) and will look back on my 10+ years with pride and know I did a service to my country and my countrymen. I get thank yous from people who genuinely appreciate the time and effort I put into doing a job not many are willing to do. I appreciate the sentiments, but I would rather people either serve or if they are not able, do some kind of civic service instead. If people did even 2 years of civic service we would not have the divisive problems we have now and we would have a stronger country because there would be people involved and invested in it. All of you scumbag cowards out there need to grow a spine and do the right thing and contribute to your country. If you are one of those crybaby parents who refuse to let your kid talk to a recruiter and make their own decision, you should kill yourselves. When my kid is old enough to join, I am inviting recruiters over and I am letting her make her own decision. If she decides it isn't for her, fine, she can do something else like intern in congress or do law enforcement, etc. Something that helps out. What I won't do, is let some leftist pinko cowardly tree hugging hippie liberal convince her that military service is wrong or bad or otherwise detrimental to her. It simply is not. Anyone who wishes to discuss a dissenting view of this can come on over, I have your noose ready and your shallow grave dug. You will get a fair trial of your peers, and when they find you guilty of treason you will be hung until you are almost dead and then buried alive. When you are alone in the darkness of the grave, the distant singing you'll hear is me dancing on your unmarked grave. Sleep tight you cowards because brave men and women allow you to. As a side note, it should also be mandatory that service age children of public officials should be required to serve in the military. Why these bastards feel they are above civic duty is beyond me,they put pants on the same way I do. Fuckers.


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