Monday, June 27, 2005

Why Do I Drink? Because I Hate You.

Seriously, I fucking HATE all of you. There are more idiots running around than there are rats or roaches, and there aren't enough nukes to kill you all. Check this out- Jefferson Davis Middle School in Palm Beach County, Fla., will soon change its name to one considered less "divisive" by some members of the community, reports the Palm Beach Post.
The idea of children, especially black children, attending a school whose namesake fought on the wrong side of the Civil War is unacceptable to some. They want it renamed Palm Springs Middle School."I don't think we should name a school after Adolf Hitler," said school board member Debra Robinson, who is black. "It's really at that level with Jeff Davis. I don't think we should name schools for anybody that represents intolerance or straight-up hatred." WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Debra Robinson, who is black, needs to leave this country and take anyone else who was offended by Jefferson Davis' name with her. Jefferson Davis, who was a PRESIDENT of the confederacy and a great forward thinker , owned slaves. SO FUCKING WHAT! It was not the white founding fathers or any other white person who sold them into slavery-it was other BLACK PEOPLE in Africa from other tribes. That is fact, so shut your whiny bitch-ass cock recepticle, Mrs. Robinson. What was the wrong side of the Civil War? Both sides had their beliefs, the north won the fight when the south surrendered. It is the winning side that tells the story in history, not the loser. It is disgusting how this country cowers when a minority complains. My high school mascot, Johnny Reb, was removed because 5 black kids didn't like it. 5 out of 1500. Did the faculty back it up? NO, they didn't want to be labeled "racists" by these fucks. Did we forget about history? Just because a historical event wasn't sunshine and candycanes doesn't mean we can't embrace it and celebrate it. Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it. There is a memorial in old town Alexandria dedicated to the fallen confederate soldiers of the civil war. You know, the ones who owned slaves? I am shocked it still stands. I am not proud of what white people have done in the past, but that doesn't mean white people should be punished now. If we give in to anyone who starts claiming reparations, we (Americans) will have no country left. Spain will want its share back, Mexico, France, England, all will follow. Give it up! You got your ass kicked, conquered, and occupied, it is now ours. Accept the fact that history can't be undone, rewritten, or changed and move on. If you don't like it, Africa has lots of room, move out of the ghetto project or shut your mouth. There are millions of black americans in this country who think things are pretty good and don't get upset when a school or building is named after a former president or other historical founding member of this country. They understand that bad things happened in the past and that things are significantly different now. So for the few who like to rattle the chains of the past and cry about it, I hope you contract the ebola virus and you shit your guts out of your eyes.


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