Thursday, June 23, 2005

Would You Allow A Criminal To Live In Your Home?

Most people would say no to that, however the National Council for La Raza, (the largest hispanic gang in the country) has championed illegal aliens for a long time simply because they are largely hispanic. There are a number of referendums aimed at making illegal aliens lives in the U.S. more difficult with the focus on deporting these leeches of society being the goal. People are simply tired of watching their own kids get pushed aside and denied the benefits our society offers because we are going bankrupt providing healthcare, education, jobs, and making up for the social security they don't contribute because they are not getting taxed for it. If these douchebags would follow the protocol to become citizens we wouldn't have a problem. Instead, we wait until there are so many of these parasites in the country we have no choice but to grant amnesty to them and start over. Before you say "no way" it has happened before, at least twice in my lifetime. Why should my taxes go to pay a bill of some illegal who broke his ankle running from the cops ? Why should we foot the bill for some illegal alien shitting out a kid on our soil. The loophole needs to close. These parasites exploit it all the time, they cross into the country illegally and ready to drop, crap out a bastard who because it was born on U.S. soil is now a citizen, and because they are the mother get to stay by proxy. 2 parasites for one crossing! Inconceiveable! So now that people are tired of it, the ol' liberal fuckmachine has come out sayin we need to be more accepting and helpful. Bullshit. We need to help out our own people and then we can see about who deserves the help after that. No more handouts for these parasites. I totally agree that there should be a migrant worker system, where they are taxed, and screened,and able to get limited benefits that they contribute to, but to keep throwing more money into the human cesspool of illegal aliens need to stop. If you think I have too extreme of a view, you can go live near a border and when a group of illegals breaks into your home, rapes your daughter/wife/you and steals your car after robbing you, you can know that somewhere I will be laughing at your dumb ass saying I TOLD YOU SO. Grow a brain and get some sense. These fucks don't care about our country, our laws, or us. They only care about themselves. Rights groups for these vermin need to address a new and worthy cause instead of the tax dollar toilet they run. Another option for your consideration-let the illegals live with those who want to let them in. They can provide the health care, and other costs, as well as make up for the chunk of social security they don't contribute. That is a great idea. Let the liberal idiots who champion illegals rights(which they have none) take them in and care for them out of their own pocket. Then we would see how long this was an issue. Fuck illegal -wetback- fence- jumping -border- hopping -beach -storming -tire -raft -floating- illegal aliens and their advocates.


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