Monday, June 27, 2005

I Am VERY Tolerant. I Just Don't Like You.

While I am at it, the shitheads who are bitching about the christian group taking bibles into Iraq need to go down to their local drug store/walmart/CVS and buy themselves a fucking clue. It's in the same aisle as common sense, brains, and logic. So many social retards out there. I have been to IRAQ and there are, get this, CHRISTIANS LIVING THERE. Yes it is true, there are christians living in Iraq, whole communities of them. They even have churches there. So why on earth would it be a big deal to take a fucking bible into a country with an established christian population?!?!?!?!?! You fucking simpletons. I hope some ultra-right wing fascist jams a koran up your ass and a bible in your urethra while fucking your mouth with a dirty toilet plunger. Get a clue and stop putting your nose in other people's business especially when you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I bet your life dream is to run the ACLU California chapter you half-wit pinko hippie shitbag. I am sick of you people. Gonna go clean my guns now so they are more efficient in splattering your granola filled skull across the hood of your beemer.


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