Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Time To Chlorinate The Gene Pool

My last post made mention of the gene pool, and I read a few things that make me want to dump a massive amount of chlorine into it and clean it out. Let's start of with NANCY PELOSI who feels it is necessary to make yet another committee, though have it be public and not classified, on Gitmo. Why? Because she is a fucking idiot who should pay attention to the activities in congress and stop sucking off the shitbag anti-american liberal fucksticks she panders to. The committee already in place is classified because it involves national security. Remember that? The whole security issue that keeps everyone tucked into bed at night and keeps the bad man away? Apparently pelosi wants to broadcast all the information we have compiled on the way terrorist shitbags work and the intel we have that makes it possible for us to give them hellfire missile enemas and let the whole world know it. With any luck, every constituent and voter in her state will vote her out of office and elect someone with half a brain as it will be a drastic improvement. Let's not forget some of her closest friends who feel the same way she does- Barbara Backstabber, er, I mean boxer, Harry "the 600 year old man" Reid, John " ketchup boy" Kerry, Teddy "another scotch!" Kennedy, and Howard " I yell because momma never held me"Dean. Each of these liberal do-nothing fucks and their families need a giant chlorine tablet shoved up their ass and burned out of the gene pool. Their staggering concern for doing their job definitely demonstrates their desire to do what is right for the country. (I will decipher that last sentence for my liberal readers who may not have caught the vast amount of copious sarcasm-THEY ARE LAZY FUCKS WHO ONLY WORK ON ISSUES IF THEY FEEL THEY WANT TO AND GET ALOT OF MONEY FROM SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS FOR THE EFFORT) Pelosi had the nerve to say, and I quote" We in Congress have a responsibility to make this issue once again too hot for the Republicans to handle." Is that so? How about, 'I'm an elected official who hasn't contributed anything of signifigance the entire time I have been in office, and feel the democratic party IS the only party that matters even though we repel our own people in record numbers and can only get attention with shitty rhetoric and personal attacks against people who do what we do.' I think that is what she was saying. Of course we will see what happens in 06' and the way it is going I predict a few more democratic seats going away and being turned republican. The democrats offer nothing and expect everything. They are the welfare party and want one thing-to get what they want at the expense of others. Obviously any party will make mistakes, but to throw stones at others when they are just as, if not more, guilty of the same misconduct makes it even worse. They should be beaten with rock salt studded rubber hoses and urinated on by elephants with urinary tract infections while being ass-raped by syphilitic baboons that have severe genital warts. Fuck them and get them out of the gene pool.


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