Friday, June 24, 2005

Today's Show Is Brought To You By The Letter "D".

Nancy Pelosi said that the Iraq war was a "grotesque mistake". I for one, think her parents not drowning her in a plastic bucket when she was born was a grotesque mistake. What a shitbag she is. My favorite alcoholic, Teddy "'nother ssscahtch"kennedy grilled rumsfeld over the Iraq war yesterday and said "in baseball you get three strikes, how many does the secretary of defense get?" To be certain, mistakes have been made, and will continue, but Kennedy is obviously out of his mind to compare a corrupted corporationalized game to a transnational conflict much less how it's run when he himself has not contributed anything to this country other than embarrassment and alot of shame on his family. I hear from people from Massachusetts that he is an excellent Senator. Really? Then why are you people STILL working on that horrendous highway tunnel project? What's it been, 15 years? How much over budget is it now? When was the last nationally signifigant contribution kennedy has made? He has managed to sit in the senate and suck the life out of that state for far too long. He killed a girl, and heaven only knows what else, and he has the audacity to go after a person who is doing his job the best way he knows? FUCK HIM! Kennedy should have been eliminated decades ago, or even at a minimum, after he drove off the bridge and killed that chick because he was drunk as usual. The Senators from NY, CT,and NJ all wrote a letter to Karl Rove telling him his speech was "a slap in the face to the unity that America achieved after Sept. 11th" when he said democrats were soft on terrorism. Well I got news for those fuckstick senators, the nation is no longer unified because your liberal hippie supporters keep eroding public support for the government and for the war, so stop fucking your secretaries (that includes you, Hillary) and wasting tax payers dollars and get your heads out of your asses and do your fucking jobs. The people of this country should rise up and return the government to its former glory where politicians were NOT PAID and had to do side jobs for sustinence and had to represent the people, not some special interest group that contributed(bribed) to them. Remove the money and it fixes the system. Senators should NOT be paid, nor should Representatives. The President also should be an unpaid position, as I believe that would return the political focus on improving the country and not their individual bank accounts. I blame special interest groups, the media, the democratic party(mostly cuz they can dish it out and cant take it), Liberals and the people who love them, and Nancy Pelosi's parents. (for not drowning her) On a side note:The next time one of you non-driving middle eastern haji fuckwits cuts me off or drives 20 miles under the speed limit and gets in my way, I am throwing whatever I have handy (tomahawk) out my window and into your filthy, stinking, rag -wrapped skull you stupid fucking piece of shit.


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