Wednesday, June 22, 2005

There Is A Special Place In Hell....

Since I last posted, a lot has happened. The Chief of police in D.C. had his car stolen from in front of his house, and the boy scout who wandered off 4 days ago was found. He was apparently playing "hide n' seek" with the rescue teams, as they had passed him at least twice while searching for him. Had I been one of the searchers I would have beat that kid autistic so he wouldn't do something like this ever again. His parents should be beating him relentlessly into little bits that resemble wet prunes. I was a scout, and land navigation was one of the BIG things they taught, in addition to STAY WITH THE GROUP and DON'T WANDER OFF. The kid must have learned something as he didn't end up in the river or as bear shit. While I am glad he was found unharmed and not in some kid touchers RV, I am pretty enraged that this kid shares the same air with me. I guess a good compromise would be to castrate him with a broken beer bottle so he can't spawn later in life. It's hard enough having a larger than normal population of idiots in the gene pool, we should be taking steps to curb the growth when we get opportunities like this. Maybe we can create a "gene pool lifeguard" position in the government, and when a stupid person gets seen they can remove them. We can include a tidbit about Dick "the turban" Durbin choking out a forced apology for his comparison of U.S troops to nazis/commies, it almost seemed sincere,he even got choked up a bit and had some crocodile tears. Probably because his nuts were being wheedled with a cheese grater. Let's hope his term ends for good in 06'. Then my favorite people in the world, CONGRESS, is trying to put an amendment through that would make burning the American flag a crime. Let's see.....I can't burn a crucifix, star of david, bible, koran, or similarly religious item because it's a hate crime, but I can burn the flag that represents the country that gives every shitbag causehead a place to call home? I can burn the flag that I signed over 10 years of my life for it's defense? Incredible. This should have been a no brainer and should not have been something to have a vote on. It should have been LAW from the inception of this country. People 50 years ago would have shot you on the spot had they caught you burning a flag. I will shoot you on the spot if I catch you doing it, make no mistake, and I am a very good shot. Anyone who burns the American flag is not an American and therefore not subject to enjoy the liberties and protections that come with the priviledge of being an American. I would rather let every child molester on the planet out of prison to make room for flag burners because they are below kid touchers. They are not even human beings. People in other countries who like to dance in the street while burning American flags should be bombed into sub-atomic particles. It should be an immediate thing too, the shitbag haji lights his bic, and as soon as it touches the flag-a delicious mushroom cloud of fire appears and is followed by tasty radioactive fallout. After one or two of those happen, haji's will be less likely to burn our flag without looking up and wondering what's coming. All you liberal fucks who claim it's freedom of speech/expression need to get the hell out of my country as I will pull your arm off and beat you to death with it and feed your body to wild pigs. Anyone is invited to debate me on this, please, send me your address, I will travel to you and you can tell me I am off base and/or wrong about this. I DARE YOU. Fuck all you flag burning liberal/haji inbred shitbags.
When you get to Hell, and are torn apart by rats and fish hooks everyday let me know how you like it, I'll be easy to find, I drive the bus there.


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