Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Because Everything Looks Bigger In The Hands Of A Child

Usually I try and keep my rage sources fresh and unique, but after reading a post from a buddys' site, I had to contribute my thoughts on the topic. Kid touchers, or as I like to call them degenerate filthy scumsucking shitbags, (and that is mildly put) are everywhere,and now it seems they have more rights than normal people. Chomos, (prison term for kid touchers) are complaining that when they get out of prison, they have a hard time dealing with people because invariably, people find out that they are in fact, chester molester, and proceed to harass, harangue, and harm them until they leave the area or lose their work release-parole mandated job. People, it seems, are not comfortable having a sexual predator in their area. I myself have had plenty of experience with these sick fucks, and they are creepy. They make your skin crawl just by they way they talk to you, how they act. One sicko, when asked by my partner why he did the things he did, told him "Everything looks bigger in the hands of a child." at which point my partner told me to stop the car so he could righteously beat the living shit out of the freaky bastard. Of course, we did the right thing and took him to the jail where he no doubt became some roughnecks girlfriend for his lengthy stay. I always love hearing about how Dalmer bought it, beaten to death,strangled, with a broken mop handle jammed up his ass. If it were up to me, and one day it may be so, I would take these fucks off the street and send them through some reparation treatment where they can enjoy the pain they wrought on their victims. In the inventory is an old planer, a hand drill with a 3/4 inch broken masonry bit, a Ronco Veg-a-matic, a garlic press, a rasp, and several feet of concertina wire. Of course, the first order of business would be castration, and that is what the veg-a-matic is for. For once, the people need to rise up in the face of all the shitbag prisoner rights groups and plant their feet firm and say "NO MORE!" Prisoners have no rights as we do. Basic human rights, barely. They get fed,clothed, and sheltered. In many cases they live better than most people. Time to stop this shit and start executing the worst fucks as we get them. Starting with the chomos. NAMBLA members should be rounded up and dissolved into a large vat of acid and poured into a volcano. Do yourself a favor, go to your local sex offender website and find out who they are in your area, and make their life a living hell so they will kill themselves. These fucks must die.


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