Thursday, October 20, 2005

Because We Can

Couple of things, I recently heard that Louis 'whackjob american hater haji' Farrakhan has been pummeling the government and white people about New Orleans. Basically, his theory is that the government blew up the levee in New Orleans to flood the poor black community so they could repopulate it with rich white people. Huh. Makes sense to me. Let's take this one step further and look at the BIG picture. The government passed the eminent domain ruling via the dominant white supreme court making it easy to snatch private citizens land for private use as long as it benefits the community. Then they use the weather machine to steer a hurrican into Louisiana, blow up the levee and flood the area so that the government can claim eminent domain, snatch the land and give it to whitey who will make a ton of cash on it once the new upscale houses and stores are built and the poor black people are left without homes. I say bullshit. For one, if these so-called poor black people are in such a bad way, why are they not a) working and b) collecting welfare and living in section 8 housing? These are the same fucks that have been collecting welfare for generations. Also, these fucks are living tax free, rent free in other states and getting two grand apiece to provide necessities, but they are using it to buy booze and lapdances from strippers instead. I say fuck them, they don't deserve anymore help. These people should be back in New Orleans, helping to rebuild their community. Instead they are sitting on their asses and waiting for a handout.
In a similar story, some jackass mayor in Ohio let a bunch of inbred white supremacists do a rally in a neighborhood on a weekend, and the community which was mostly black, rioted. So instead of attacking the skinheads, these black people attacked rescue workers, and looted stores and burned down some buildings. What the fuck does stealing from a store have to do with being pissed off about some idiot skinhead? The looters/rioters are just as fucked up as the skinhead protesters. I saw how a crowd of these rioters, all blacks, charged an ambulance, throwing rocks and bottles at the windshield and driver/crew. I would have started shooting rioters with a shotgun had I been there. I would have done it and then driven over their bodies with the ambulance and left them there to fucking rot. These fucks don't deserve to share the same species name as most people. I hope they all get neutered.


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