Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I Want To Be Sedated

I was kind of amused when I read the article about a Maryland politician getting pelted by cookies until I read further into the article. Apparently, a black republican is running for a senate seat in Maryland, and a bunch of black Democraps decided to pelt him with oreo cookies and called him an 'Uncle Tom'. Of course they see nothing wrong with this because they are democrats and therefore cannot be racist. BULLSHIT. If it were the other way around and a black democrat got this treatment from black republicans there would be arrests and riots. If I were the guy getting hit with cookies and racial slurs I would be returning fire. With bullets. First of all, these shitbag democrats are saying there is nothing wrong with, and I quote "pointing out the obvious." Is that so? Then I guess that since this black guy is a republican and they pulled his credit report to show how good his credit is, I suppose it is ok to turn the table and "point out the obvious" and say that black democrats are handout taking, welfare sucking, lazy, criminal, good-for-nothings who want the rest of the country to do all the work for them because somewhere in the past a white guy may or may not have enslaved a potential relative of theirs. Whatever. Go fuck yourselves you liberal shitbags. I can think of several black political figures I would not be proud to point to and say they represent me. For example: Jesse Jackson-adulterer, thief, liar, racist. Al Sharpton-bigot,liar, moron. Louis Farrakhan-racist, zealot, liar. All of these guys are shitbags that throw race at everything and foster a welfare society that breeds crime and hate. I know plenty of black people who are professional, smart, and make a ton of cash more than I do and they are republicans and democrats alike. Get a grip people, your political party is just a platform, not an ideology or a way of life. You fucks are almost as bad as the fucking hajis. I'm not sure why I got pissed at this, but I am sure you people are right, especially since your party can't even come up with an idea on its own. Just shut the door and hold your secret meetings and stomp your feet and hold your breath and cry because your party fucked up and is running on empty. Maybe the tree huggers will put a candidate up for election, that would be fun.


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