Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hey Liberals, Shut Your Suckholes!

You see, the people that were elected into the White house are doing their jobs. the jobs Americans voted them to do. Protect us. Apparently, you liberal fucks don't have a clue as to what that entails because you are busy butt-fucking each other and whining about perceived intrusions on a so-called right to privacy that to date, no example of a violation has been found. The link has Cheney defending the actions taken by the administration over the NSA wiretaps. First, he shouldn't have to defend anything, much less to you weasely, whiny, cowardly liberal fuckheads. Second, they haven't done anything wrong, so shut the fuck up already. Your liberal cohorts have yet to wow anyone with any solution or even bring a half-ass idea to the table so go fuck yourselves and shut up. When we need insight on how to make some granola eating, tree-hugging, animal rights believing shitbag feels about their safety, we will call you. Until then, stay the fuck out of the way and keep quiet. The whole country is tired of hearing liberals bitch about everything. They even bitch about shit they wanted and got. Definitely need to kick the U.N. and the ACLU out of the country. Go to some middle eastern country and fight the government there for those peoples rights, we have plenty now, so go even out the rest of the world. You fucks don't know what freedom is because you have never fought for it nor have you had it taken from you so shut up and kill yourselves. This goes for you liberal media fucks too.


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