Thursday, February 09, 2006

Beheading People Is OK, Mohammed Cartoons Are Not

All I have to say on this has been said in an earlier post of mine and also around the world, but let me clarify again; All of these rioting hajis want to do is come into your home, chop your head off in front of your kids, shove a broken broomstick in your spouses ass, and rape your children. Then they want to burn, bomb, or shred everything our country has built or developed in the last 230 years. They want total control, and nothing short of your heads on pikes will make them stop. These fucks must be met with strong, unwavering, and VIOLENT resistance. I think we should carpet bomb their little marches and riots and rallies. When they are out in the streets firebombing embassies and shooting innocent people that they disagree with, send in the B-2 loaded with haji-shredding bombs and unload right up the middle of their flag burning party. I know you liberal fucks are probably screaming "that is oppressing their freedom of expression!", well suckhead, get this- They don't have those freedoms as their governments control everything they see or hear. This would just shut them up and make their leaders think twice before they incited their people again. The first thing we need to do is shut these fucks down. If tomorrow, Damascus and Tehran were glowing, smoking, vaporized craters in the desert, we would have far fewer problems than we do now. Remember, we are the ONLY country ever, to USE A NUCLEAR BOMB AGAINST AN ENEMY.....and we did it TWICE. The world needs to remember that exact reason is why no one fucked with us during the cold war. The russians knew we would have no reservation on tapping away on the big red button like a crack induced teenager playing nintendo until their entire section of earth was a wasteland. The haji's need to learn that lesson. Nuke these centers of hostility and after our douchebag media gets done blathering about how horrible we are, we can move on with our lives in a more secure world, minus several million lunatic haji's.
If you are a muslim that is offended by the cartoon, the solution is simple. DON'T LOOK AT IT. If you don't like the cartoons posted on sites or in papers, DON'T LOOK AT THEM. If you don't like living someplace where people have the freedom to not like or agree or follow your religion or traditions or culture-MOVE BACK TO HAJILAND OR NUKEHAVISTAN OR HAMASTAN AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY! That includes all of you douchebag ACLU members and liberal fucks who have no fucking spine to stand up against these fascist haji fucks.


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