Thursday, February 02, 2006

Derk Derk Bakka Lakka Dakka, Mecca Lecca Ha Mecca Hiney Ho

Personally, I love this little cartoon. I think we need to have more of them. I hope the EU finally sticks to it's guns and shits all over these haji fucks trying to take over. Maybe then we can shut them down and make the world a happier place. I guess they are lucky I didn't draw the cartoon, since I would have had this little bastard getting fucked by a pig. I don't give a fuck about all you hippies saying it's a religion of peace and they shouldn't be dismissed as lesser people. You fucks never saw how these fucks live, so shut the fuck up. This being my 100th post, I thought I would make it about something controversial. I think this does the trick.


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