Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Joel Stein Needs To Leave America Permanently

If you have a case of high blood pressure, by all means do not click the title for the article that in my mind, is Joel Stein's (pictured left) desperate plea for an assisted suicide. This little spoiled rich kid liberal douchebag has decided that his god-given right to free speech, which he has never fought for or contributed to the country in any way to preserve, must now be thrust upon the masses via the L.A. Times. This mealy mouthed liberal fuckhead feels that since he doesn't support the troops, the administration, or the war on terror, you shouldn't either. It is little retards like this that make any real American wince and cringe at the mere mention of their presence simply because real Americans know kids like this are nothing but parasites leeching off of others hard work and sacrifices. Shitbag Stein's Op/Ed piece devotes it's prattle to admitting he has never served the country in any capacity, was shit out of his mothers crotch and into money, and has no clue about why the country is at war or why he has the rights he is claiming and using. This idiot has never been oppressed, much less seen oppression unlike the hundreds of thousands of troops that have fought and are fighting wars in other countries. This maggot needs to wake the fuck up and realize that the bigger picture does not include him; he is a parasite that will be reckoned with by those of us he is so eager to scorn. The overwhelming majority in this country understand that there are people trying to kill us, anywhere they can, including here in America. I extend my offer to shitbag Joel Stein, to take you to the nearest border and remove you from this country that I fought for, since you do not appreciate it or the freedoms you have been given by people like me. If you feel like voicing your disgust as I will be, direct your bile at the L.A. Times and let's have this douchebag fired. I hope the haji's avoid L.A., not because I wouldn't like to see Stein covered in smallpox, but because he would be the first shitmouthed liberal fuck demanding military protection and action and I would have to refuse to help him. I would be happy to end his misery though if I thought he were worth the cost of a bullet. He is not. I hope he dies of Syphilis and rots in an open drainage culvert in the desert. Fuck Joel Stein and the L.A. Times.


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