Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's The Apocolypse People, Grab A Seat And Watch.

So a new season of american idol started a scant 40 minutes ago and I am already looking for a can of oven cleaner to spray into my eyes and gouge my eardrums out with a potato peeler. I really just don't understand why the masses of idiots watch, much less try to emulate or participate, in this tired, pathetic, horrible display of insanity that is the show. I really have a hard time imagining a good reason to subject people to this kind of torture. All the hippies and liberal shitbags get riled up when a soldier plays a Whitesnake cd too loud around a haji in prison, but I have to deal with an entire season of meatheads attempting to become some performer in Hollywood? I think not. I would rather be castrated with a sledgehammer that has a chipped end and swung by a blind man than sit through even 30 seconds of this shitty excuse for entertainment. The term entertainment would imply that one is entertained by this. I am definitely not. I am disgusted that so many simpletons are drawn like moths to the flame to this gut wrenching display of retards and talentless half-breeds and inbred trailer trash that flocks to the show anytime it is on. This show's existence is the most compelling evidence that the devil is walking the earth and the end is nigh. I have seen the devil, his name is Ryan Seacrest. Someone drive a stake through his heart and help the world out of the most dire of times.


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