Monday, January 30, 2006

Let's Not Split Hairs

Hamas doesn't care if the U.S. or the EU or Russia cuts the aid money to the Palestinian Authority. Hamas doesn't give a fuck if we protest their type of government or if we think they are bad people. Hamas is intent on destroying Israel and then who knows, maybe they will move here. Hamas leaders said they want continued aid money for the palestinians as they need it and would be willing to transparently spend it with whatever oversight necessary. What they aren't telling you, is that if we hold back the money, it wouldn't affect them because they are paid with money from Iran and Syria and haji douchebags living in the west. If this doesn't tie the whole 'axis' thing together, I don't know what will. Maybe when one of these douchebags starts beheading people on television in the town square, you liberal fucks will wake up and decide to sack up and be responsible. I recommend starving these fucks for a year or so, then offer to bring back the money in exchange for all of their weapons. Sell your guns, explosives, RPG's and surrender your terrorist leaders, and the magic money fountain will turn back on. OR......Let Israel have their way with them, and push them into the fucking sea.


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