Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Liberals Are Stupid

So now that the Democrats in Congress have essentially admitted they are a bunch of confused idiots that can't pull their heads out of their asses. They understand that their entire platform is just saying 'NO' for the sake of saying no, and not proposing alternative ideas or anything constructive. They also know that their most prominent figures in their party are fucking hypocritical douches that have no reason to be upset about shit since they are just as guilty of the charges they rant about. NOW, Sen. Boxer is trying to convince cindy shithead,er sheehan, to not run against incumbant Sen. Feinstein. Shithead says that Feinstein needs to be replaced because she voted for the war. I can only imagine the conversation that took place. Something along the lines of sheehan telling the California senator she wasn't liberal enough, and boxer telling sheehan to back off or "We won't like you anymore". This is the behavior that psychos and children display. The solution? Have them suck on my candy cane flavored shotgun.


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